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In Charandari hill there are 34 caves in ellora
12 caves are buddhist caves Caves no 1 to 12
created during the time of Chaulkayas of vatapikonda between 600 A.D to 700 A.D. Remaing are hindu caves from cave no.13 to 29 created between 700 A.D to 800 A.D.
Caves no 30 to 34 excavated between 800 to 1000 A.D.Jain and Hindu caves execavated under Royal patronage of Roshtrakuta dynasty.

Only three caves are must visit caves, No 5 , 10 and 12

Cave No 5 :
this is a huge monasteries with massive 24 pillars
20 cells, two raised long stone platforms and a shrine with a giant statue of
Buddha is flanked by two Bodhisattvas viz padmapani and Vajrapani

Caves No 10 :
it is one of the best chaityas of its kind in western india
the ceiling is very remarkable of this cave
the stupa of this cave is very decorative and full of
curvings. Buddha is seated under Bodhi with flying birds either sides

Caves No 12 :
this is three storeyed Mahayana monastery.
the third cave is very important.there are total 14 images
of god budhha seven in teaching pose and other seven in meditation

In hindu religion there are lots of god
But God shiva or mahadev is very important god
Other important gods are god vishnu and Brahma

1 Shiva- the role of this god Destruction
God shivas wife name is Parvati

2 Vishnu- God of Preservation
God Vishnu's wife name is Lakshmi

3 Brahma- God of creation

there are large number in india which follow god

The most of the caves are dedicated to Lord Shiva
Caves no 14 , 15,16 and 21 belongs to hindu caves

The cave 16 is known as kailash or rang Mahal
this cave dedicated to lotd shiva by king Krishna 768 - 772 A.D of the Rashtrakuta dynasty.
the kailasha is carved out vettivally in the Rath shape in Dravidian style
of architecture.
From top to bottom it is delicately carved with celestial figures, river,
goddes,incarnations of Vidhnu and gorgeous miniature carvings of
the two classical dramas of Good and evil.

Caves no 30 to 34 are jains caves.
All these caves are dedicated to God Mahavir.
he wad 24 th Tirthankara of jain religion.

According to mahavir there are five Restrictions

1 Not to injure living creature

2 Chastity in Brahmacharya

3 Not to lie

4 Not to possess property

5 Not to steal


  1. Very well written post, thoroughly enjoyed it. Ellora Caves
    is really amassing place. You can also check my post at Ellora Caves at


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