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Ajanta Caves in Details

Ajanta Caves (75 40' E;20 30'N) are famous for thier murals which are the finest survining examples of indian art,particularly painting.These caves were excavated
in horse-shoe shaped bend of rock scarp nearly 76 mtr. in hight overlooking a narrow
stream known as Waghora
  The location of valley provided a calm and serene enviroment for the Buddhist
Monk who retreated at the secluded places during the rainy season.Each cave was connected to the stream by a flight of steps,which are now almost obliterated,albeit
traces of some could be notices at some places.In all 30 caves were hewn out of the
Living rock in different periods according to the necessity
Out of these ,Five (cave no 9,10,19,26 and 29) are Chaityagrihas and the rest are viharas.In Date and Style also these caves can be divided into two broad groups.Out of the 30 Caves 6 caves belongs to the
earliest phase of buddhism i.e Hinayana.Caves 9 & 10 which are Chaityagrihas and 8,12,13 & 15 A which are Viharas belong to this phase.
These caves are datable to the pre-Christion era,the ealiest among them being caves 10 dating from the second century B.C where the object of worship is a stupa.

These caves are imitaion of contemporary wooden constructions even to the extent of fixing of wooden rafters and beams to the celling even through they are non-functional.
These early caves were painted but noting substantial has survived.Caves No.9 and 10 Clearly show some vestiges of painting. The headgear,omaments of the images in these painting reseble
the base relief sculpture of sanchi and Bharhut.


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